My favourite thought…….. Consensus : that goodwill is the magic of universal co-operation and sharing.

I belong to a rare collective breed of nomadic minded individuals, who are also well known to be totally in-different to each others opinions, who mostly agree to disagree, but who will arrange to meet up occasionally, to engage in a very olde English tradition; which is to harness the breeze, whilst drinking tea, with a small boat, in various scenic locations, containing the most beautiful lakes, enjoying the best that fresh air can offer, freely sharing what's left from William Blake's ancient, soulful, nomadic themed poem, about a green and pleasant land.........NAMASTE

11 March 2010


Sailing model rc boats and yachts

WOW.......I feel so chuffed to bits..........
It takes months of careful preparation, dedication, fasting and
a strict, monitored diet, to come 2nd in the Southwater Dabblers 6 metre races 2009, I can say.

Below are my photos of my 6M Chris Grover TROPHY AWARD, which I've just received, nestling happy, amongst my other, proudly displayed, Steering events awards.

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