My favourite thought…….. Consensus : that goodwill is the magic of universal co-operation and sharing.

I belong to a rare collective breed of nomadic minded individuals, who are also well known to be totally in-different to each others opinions, who mostly agree to disagree, but who will arrange to meet up occasionally, to engage in a very olde English tradition; which is to harness the breeze, whilst drinking tea, with a small boat, in various scenic locations, containing the most beautiful lakes, enjoying the best that fresh air can offer, freely sharing what's left from William Blake's ancient, soulful, nomadic themed poem, about a green and pleasant land.........NAMASTE

03 October 2011


A note from Trevor Thomas.

Please read and can someone come forward ......... the UK FOOTY CLUB is looking for a secretary


Hi there,

Several weeks ago I highlighted the fact that I was not going to be able to
continue arranging the Footy Race Calendar for 2012 and beyond. In that mail
I asked for a volunteer to continue this task whilst at the same time
becoming involved in the workings of the Footy Association.

It has to be said that I have been totally under whelmed by the response to
date. I am at a loss to know what to do to encourage participation in this
way, but make no mistake, unless someone steps forward there will be no
nationally organised Footy racing in the U.K. in 2012. 

An unfortunate consequence of this will be the inevitable loss of contacts at local clubs
which will make trying to continue at a later date far more difficult.


Trevor Thomas Footy Sailing Secretary

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